The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Third Edition is a comprehensive curriculum that offers daily support, guidance, and inspiration to teachers and caregivers of our youngest learners. The Creative Curriculum® explores all aspects of a developmentally appropriate program and helps teachers and caregivers offer loving care and engaging experiences for infants, toddlers, and twos to nurture their development and learning.
To transform your planning, teaching, and family engagement experiences inside the classroom and beyond, The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Third Edition, includes The Creative Curriculum® Cloud for Infants, Toddlers and Twos. More than a digital curriculum, The Creative Curriculum® Cloud takes our leading early childhood curriculum resources online to support educators as they bring a content-rich, developmentally appropriate curriculum to life in an early childhood classroom or at home in partnership with families. In addition to 24/7 digital access to curriculum, it provides dynamic planning tools that help individualize instruction, facilitates communication between teachers and families, streamlines weekly planning processes, and offers access to new family-facing resources to build consistency in learning experiences.
- The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Third Edition: The Foundation
- Volume 1: The Foundation
- Volume 2: Routines and Experiences
- Volume 3: Objectives for Development & Learning, Birth Through Third Grade
- 151 Intentional Teaching Cards™ (bilingual)
- 100
- Highlights Hello™, Classroom Set (1 set; 24 issues total)
- 24 Book Conversation Cards™
- Highlights Hello™ Family Sets (2 sets; 48 issues total; 24 English / 24 Spanish)
- The Creative Curriculum® LearningGames® (digital access)
- Teaching Strategies® Resource Organizer
- The Creative Curriculum Cloud® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos
- Digital Curriculum: Includes a full library of resources in both English and Spanish from The Creative Curriculum® for teachers and families and access to new content as it is developed.
- Teacher Resources:
- Foundation volumes (3)
- Getting Started With Expanded Daily Resources for Twos guide
- Teaching Guides (10)
- Intentional Teaching Experiences (201)
- Mighty Minutes® (200)
- Family-Facing Resources:
- At-Home Guided Learning Plans (57)
- Guided Learning Experiences (201)
- Family Mighty Minutes® (200)
- LearningGames® (100)
- Planning Calendar: Auto-populate your calendar with curricular resources, customize and share your daily and weekly plans, access comprehensive daily guidance and supplemental resources, and utilize integrated assessment data to individualize learning.
- Family Mobile App: Our mobile app enables quick and efficient communication between teachers and families and makes sharing video, photos, text, and files easier than ever.
- of The Creative Curriculum® Cloud.
- To learn more about The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos, .
- To learn more about our whole-child approach to learning, .
- To learn more about our Distance Learning Solution, .